Facing commoditization of products, you can differentiate yourself with the packaging. It is a key element which contributes to the success of your products.
Packaging study becomes therefore essential. Mixing creativity and technicity, your packaging is subject to special attention in order to combine your wishes and the know-how of Tecma Aries. We can propose the support of a packaging designer at your service who will guide you towards the best solution.
We can offer you the opportunity of an accurate and detailed study thanks to the teamwork of our packaging designers and mechanical design departments. This unique proximity permits to provide a creative and innovative work combining a safe technical understanding of mechanization process.
With a single contact, your time and money saving is very high and you get the benefit of a quality personalized follow-up.
That’s why, with Tecma Aries, packaging study is an integral part of the success of your project, with a reliable time to market.
Tray with grid
Tray with retaining edges
Tray with hood
Tray with dihedral angles
Case with inserts
American case
SRP (Shelf Ready Packaging)
Plastic tray/crate
Wrap case with two top flaps
Wrap case with an outside long flap
Wrap case with an inside long flap
Pack with side panels
Cardboard clip
Plastic clip
Pack with gussets
Pack drop through
4-faces pack
Fully enclosed pack
Neck through pack
Pallet-Half pallet